Monthly Archives: October 2015

Playing Catch-Up On This Edition Of Legacies….On The Rails

A lot has happened since my last posting and I apologize for not keeping this site up. But, a while back, this little Chrome-Book computer that my wife and I share started shutting down on me, when I’d be in the middle of a blog, and even if I had hit Save Draft, it would usually only save the title and a few words, when I may have been several paragraphs into it. By the time this would happen, it would be too close to time for me to head to work, or needing to get to bed if I was writing after work, for me to have the time, energy or patience to go back and redo it. Thought I was done blooging until I can somehow, someday, get a better computer, but today, decided to try again.

In my last posting, I shared about what was then the upcoming Legacies On The Rails Railroad Art Show at the Cathy Kline Art Gallery located in the former CB&Q Depot in Parkville, Missouri. That did take place for the entire month of August but I have to sadly report that only one painting sold, bringing in only $30 for the Model Rail Experience at Kansas City Union Station, and I am still waiting for an opportunity to go get that check to take to them. I hope we can try again next year,despite how things went this year.

I have begun to make more frequent visits to to Union Station on a regular basis, but not in a volunteer capacity, just going to take pics and video as a way to kill time in between having lunch with my wife, who works directly across from my building in Downtown KC, and time for me to head to work. Being a bi-vocational Pastor’s Assistant for Legacies On The Rails Fan Video #111, I am now up to #138. This has included not only videos from the Depot in Parkville, and all the local yards here in town, but also a ride on the train at our local amusement park Worlds Of Fun, thanks to some tickets that my buddy Chris Noble set us up with. I have also been doing picture silde-show videos like this one.

New Life Baptist Church, and time with family on my days off from my full-time job keeps me very, very busy.

But here are a few pics and videos from those visits.

I have definitely not been dormant as far as rail-fanning goes, and have, as usual, been out taking tons of pics and video, and since my last posting when I shared through L

I also joined the Board Of Directors of the Operation Christmas Train Set Foundation at the invitation of Founder/CEO Dustin A Fisher since my last posting . OCTSF
In the Fall of 2016, I will be working with the group in Dustin’s town of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for Midwest Legacies On The Rails Train Days-a week long event during which we will install permanent Model Rail displays in all the Oklahoma City Public Library locations. We are hopeful that this will catch on with other public library systems around the country. It would be awesome to be able to be in a at least one city a year if not more doing the same thing. Schools, Civic organizations, there is no end to the possibilities. Maybe I can even get a KCMO Chapter started in 2016.

In October, my girls and I paid a visit to the Belton, Grandview & Kansas City Railroad in Belton, Missouri. They would love to have me come and volunteer with them in a promotional capacity, as well as being trained as a Conductor. But right now, as much as I would like to, I just can’t see a way to make the time. Maybe next year, we’ll see. Here are a few pics and a video from that.

The Saturday before Thanksgiving, I reconnected with my old buddy Todd Gordon, who gave me a last minute invitation to attend a community dinner that was being held that night in his town of Camden Point, Missouri and to make a presentation on the Interurban Railroad-otherwise known as the Kansas City, Clay County & St Joseph Railway-one that I was not familiar with until that day, but always love researching any railroad history, so I took the challenge, and talked about it, after also discussing why I love railroads.,_Clay_County_and_St._Joseph_Railway

So, before this thing decides to shut down on me again, I will wrap this up.  But, as always, here is the signature song of Legacies On The Rails, Mr Roy Acuff with Wabash…….Cannonball!

This is John Losh, reminding you to continue leaving Legacies…..On The Rails!